Paul Johnson
1) Churchill
A galaxy of legendary figures from the annals of Western history
In this enlightening and entertaining work, Paul Johnson, the bestselling author of Intellectuals and Creators, approaches the subject of heroism with stirring examples of men and women from every age, walk of life, and corner of the planet who have inspired and transformed not only their own cultures but the entire world as well.
Heroes includes:
Samson, Judith,
...National Bestseller
"A tour de force. . . . A remarkable achievement." —New York Times Book Review
"A marvelous book. . . . This is history: richly textured, provocative and wise." —Plain Dealer
From acclaimed historian Paul Johnson, author of Modern Times and A History of American People, this brilliant 4000 year survey covers not
...Earning spot #11 on National Review's list of the Best Nonfiction Books of the Century, this fast-paced, all-encompassing narrative history covers the great events, ideas, and personalities of the six decades following the end of World War I, and offers a full-scale—if controversial—analysis of how the modern age came into being and where it is heading.
Beginning on May 29, 1919, when photographs of the solar eclipse confirmed
...13) Mozart: A Life
As he’s done in Napoleon, Churchill, Jesus, and Darwin, acclaimed historian and author Paul Johnson here offers a concise, illuminating biography of Mozart. Johnson’s focus is on the music—Mozart’s wondrous output of composition and his uncanny gift for instrumentation.
Liszt once said that...
18) Intellectuals
19) Napoleon: A Life
In an ideal pairing of author and subject, the magisterial historian Paul Johnson offers a vivid look at the life of the strategist, general, and dictator who conquered much of Europe. Following Napoleon...