Disc 1. Lecture 1. What is a good decision? Lecture 2. The rise of Behavioral economics
Disc 2. Lecture 3. Reference dependence: it's all relative. Lecture 4. Reference dependence: economic implications
Disc 3. Lecture 5. Range effects: changing the scale. Lecture 6. Probability weighting
Disc 4. Lecture 7. Risk: the known unknowns. Lecture 8. Ambiguity: the unknown unknowns
Disc 5. Lecture 9. Temporal discounting: now or later? Lecture 10. Comparison: apples and oranges
Disc 6. Lecture 11. Bounded rationality: knowing your limits. Lecture 12. Heuristics and biases
Disc 7. Lecture 13. Randomness and Patterns. Lecture 14. How much evidence do we need?
Disc 8. Lecture 15. Value of experience. Lecture 16. Medical decision making
Disc 9. Lecture 17. Social decisions: competition and coordination. Lecture 18. Group decision making: the Vox Populi
Disc 10. Lecture 19. Giving and helping: why altruism? Lecture 20. Cooperation by individuals and in societies
Disc 11. Lecture 21. When incentives backfire. Lecture 22. Precommitment: setting rationality aside
Disc 12. Lecture 23. Framing: moving to a different perspective. Lecture 24. Interventions, nudges, and decisions.