Kinematic indicators for regional dextral shear along the Norumbega fault system in the Casco Bay area, coastal Maine / Mark T. Swanson --
Temperature variability during shear deformation : an interpretation of microstructures along the central Norumbega fault zone, Maine / Mary S. Hubbard and Hui Wang --
Multistage shearing of the Deblois granite in the Kellyland fault zone, eastern Maine / Allan Ludman and Susan Gibbons --
Norumbega connections : Casco Bay, Maine to Massachusetts? / Wallace A. Bothner and Arthur M. Hussey, II --
Possible correlations of the Norumbega fault system with faults in southeastern New England / Arthur Goldstein and J. Christopher Hepburn --
Dextral transpression at the Casco Bay restraining bend, Norumbega fault zone, coastal Maine / Mark T. Swanson --
Significance of the Norumbega fault zone in southwestern Maine : clues from the geochemistry of granite rocks / Paul B. Tomascak, Eirik J. Krogstad, and Richard J. Walker --
Geochemical and metallogenic contrasts in Paleozoic granite rocks of the northern New England Appalachians / Robert A. Ayuso --
Norumbega fault zone : part of an orogen-parallel strike-slip system, northern Appalachians / Mary S. Hubbard --
Timing of displacements along the Norumbega fault system, south-central and south-coastal Maine / David P. West, Jr. --
Constraints on timing and displacement of multiple shearing in the Norumbega fault system, eastern Maine / Allan Ludman [and others] --
Modern earthquake activity and the Norumbega fault zone / John E. Ebel and James A. Spotila.