Education and training for cataloguing at the University of Botswana Library : an overview / Rose Tiny Kgosiemang
The relevance of cataloguing in library science curriculum in Cross River State of Nigeria in this technological age / J.I. Iwe
The education and training of cataloguing students in South Africa through distance education / Linda M. Cloete
Education of cataloging and classification in China / Zhanghua Ma
The status quo and future development of cataloging and classification education in China / Li Si
Education for knowledge organization : the Indian scene / K.S. Raghavan
Current status of cataloging and classification education in Japan / Shoichi Taniguchi
A study on the job training and self-training of the cataloging and classification librarians working in South Korean academic libraries / Chul-Wan Kwak
Beyond our expectations : a review of an independent learning module in descriptive cataloguing at the Queensland University of Technology / Gillian Hallam
MARCup to markup : education for cataloguing and classification in Australia / Ross Harvey, Susan Reynolds
Education for cataloging and classification in Austria and Germany / Monika Münnich, Heidi Zotter-Straka, Petra Hauke
Education and training on the nature and description of documents : Polish university studies and professional librarianship schools / Anna Sitarska
Cataloging education on the sunny side of the Alps / Jerry D. Saye, Alenka Šauperl
Education for cataloging in Spanish universities : a descriptive and critical study / Rafael Ruiz-Perez, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
Education and training for cataloguing and classification in the British Isles / J.H. Bowman
The teaching of information processing in the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina / Elsa E. Barber, Silvia L. Pisano
Education for cataloging and classification in Mexico / Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano
Education for cataloging and related areas in Peru / Ana María Talavera Ibarra
Cataloging and classification education in Egypt : stressing the fundamentals while moving toward automated applications / Mohammed Fat'hy Abdel Hady, Ali Kamal Shaker
An account of cataloging and classification education in Iranian universities / Mortaza Kokabi
Cataloging instruction in Israel / Snunith Shoham
Continuing education for catalogers in Saudi Arabia / Zahiruddin Khurshid.