Section 102(b) report: review and report of the applicability to the legislative branch of federal laws relating to the terms and conditions of employment and access to public services and public accommodations
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Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 (United States)
Labor laws and legislation
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Parliamentary practice
Rules and practice
United States. -- Congress
United States. -- Congress -- Employees -- Legal status, laws, etc
United States. -- Congress -- Employees -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Periodicals
United States. -- Congressional Accountability Act of 1995
United States. -- Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 -- Periodicals
United States. -- Office of Compliance
United States. -- Office of Compliance -- Rules and practice
United States. -- Office of Compliance -- Rules and practice -- Periodicals
Labor laws and legislation
Legal status, laws, etc
Parliamentary practice
Rules and practice
United States. -- Congress
United States. -- Congress -- Employees -- Legal status, laws, etc
United States. -- Congress -- Employees -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Periodicals
United States. -- Congressional Accountability Act of 1995
United States. -- Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 -- Periodicals
United States. -- Office of Compliance
United States. -- Office of Compliance -- Rules and practice
United States. -- Office of Compliance -- Rules and practice -- Periodicals
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