Good manners at home. Honor your mother and father ; Helping out at home ; Loving your family ; Loving your home
Using words wisely. Please, thank you, and other kind words ; Taming the tongue ; Telling the truth
Table manners. Be considerate at the table ; Eat in moderation and be generous to others ; Appreciate what you are served ; Setting the table
Appreciating people with disabilities
Caring for the elderly and sick. Befriending the elderly ; Caring for the sick
Out and about : getting along with others. Visiting other people's homes ; Seeing the good in people ; Celebrating your friends' successes ; Helping each other ; Good ways to lose friends
Good manners in school. Working hard ; Classroom courtesy
Writing letters and invitations
Church, weddings, and funerals
Respecting our country. Good citizenship ; Respecting the American flag.