Back to Iraq. A brave tradition; Gearing up for a third tour; Changing course; The Baghdad belts; South of Baghdad
On the ground. Working in the desert; East Bank of the Tigris; Commando Brigade; Paratroopers on the Euphrates
First combat. Attack on Patrol Base Dog; Air cavalry; Kiowa down; Missing in action
Taking the offensive. Preparing the battlefield; Western operations; Last pieces in place; Planning the first offensive
Operation Marne Torch. Maintaining momentum; Anvil on the East Bank; High-value targets; Running out of steam
New ground. Coalition contingent; Cross-border smuggling; Facing Iran
New offensives. Avalanche; Beyond reach; taking stock
Sons of Iraq. Anbar beginnings; New focus on reconciliation; Combat multipliers; Progress East of the Tigris; Burgeoning numbers
Pressing the advantage. Marne Torch, second round; Pacifying Arab Jabour; The Shi'ite strategy
Western front. The Rakkasans; Missing in action resolved; Security in the Euphrates Valley; Switching brigades; Operation Marne Roundup
Thunderbolt. Shifting priorities; Relentless pursuit; Air power; Improving the odds
New focus. Grand Slam; Winding down; Baghdad interlude; Back to Capitol Hill; Piledriver; Transition
Conclusion: What winning looks like. Balance sheet; The counterinsurgency assessment; Remembering.
Back to Iraq. A brave tradition; Gearing up for a third tour; Changing course; The Baghdad belts; South of Baghdad
On the ground. Working in the desert; East Bank of the Tigris; Commando Brigade; Paratroopers on the Euphrates
First combat. Attack on Patrol Base Dog; Air cavalry; Kiowa down; Missing in action
Taking the offensive. Preparing the battlefield; Western operations; Last pieces in place; Planning the first offensive
Operation Marne Torch. Maintaining momentum; Anvil on the East Bank; High-value targets; Running out of steam
New ground. Coalition contingent; Cross-border smuggling; Facing Iran
New offensives. Avalanche; Beyond reach; taking stock
Sons of Iraq. Anbar beginnings; New focus on reconciliation; Combat multipliers; Progress East of the Tigris; Burgeoning numbers
Pressing the advantage. Marne Torch, second round; Pacifying Arab Jabour; The Shi'ite strategy
Western front. The Rakkasans; Missing in action resolved; Security in the Euphrates Valley; Switching brigades; Operation Marne Roundup
Thunderbolt. Shifting priorities; Relentless pursuit; Air power; Improving the odds
New focus. Grand Slam; Winding down; Baghdad interlude; Back to Capitol Hill; Piledriver; Transition
Conclusion: What winning looks like. Balance sheet; The counterinsurgency assessment; Remembering.