Machine derived contents note: Preface
1. Selective Hydrogenation of Polyunsaturated Olefins, John C. Bailar, Jr.
2. Some Aspects of the Coordination Chemistry and Catalytic Properties of Cationic Rhodium-Phosphine Complexes, J. Halpern, et al.
3. Rhodium-Phosphine Complexes as Homogeneous Catalysts. Hydrogenation of Aromatic Nitro Compounds, P'al Kvintovics, B'alint Heil, and L'aszl'o Mark'o
4. Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-Rhodium and -Iridium Complexes as Catalysts for Olefin and Arene Hydrogenation, Peter M. Maitlis
5. Catalytic Homogeneous Hydrogenation Using Micellar and Phase Transfer Reaction Conditions, Daniel L. Reger and M.M. Habib
6. Asymmetric Hydrosilylation, H.B. Kagan, J.F. Peyronel, and T. Yamagishi
7. Activation of C-H Bonds by Bidentate Phosphorus Ligand Complexes of Iron, S.D. Ittel, et al.
8. Homogeneous Catalysis of the Water Gas Shift Reaction by Metal Carbonyls, Peter C. Ford, et al.
9. Homogeneous Catalysis of the Water Gas Shift Reaction: Pentacarbonyliron and the Metal Hexacarbonyls as Active Catalyst Precursors, C.C. Frazier, et al.
10. Oxygen-Exchange and Ligand Substitution Reactions in Cr(CO)[6 and m-H[Cr(CO)[5][2]-, and the Water Gas Shift Reaction, Donald J. Darensbourg, et al.
11. Catalytic Reductions Using Carbon Monoxide and Water in Place of Hydrogen, R. Pettit, et al.
12. Mechanistic Studies Related to the Metal-Catalyzed Reduction of Carbon Monoxide to Hydrocarbons, Charles P. Casey and Stephen M. Neumann
13. Carbon Monoxide-Metal Oxide Interactions. Surface Site Requirements for Electron Transfer Processes, Kenneth J. Klabunde, Richard A. Kaba, and Russell M. Morris
14. Structure and Reactivity of Ni(II)-d]8 Complexes with Monodentate Tertiary Phosphine: CO Fixation, C. Saint-Joly, M. Dartiguenave and Y. Darteguenave
15. Binuclear Metal Complexes of Cofacial Diporphyrins
16. Homogeneous Oxidative Coupling Catalysts. Products of the Oxidation of Copper (I) Chloride by Oxygen in Polar, Aprotic Media, Geoffrey Davies, et al.
17. Novel Cleavage and Oligomerization Reactions of Nickel (0) Complexes. Applications to Homogeneous Deoxygenation and Disulfurization, John J. Eisch and Kyoung R. Im
18. Gaseous Evolution of Molecular Hydrogen and Oxygen in Photochemical Splitting of Water by Platinized Chlorophyll a Dihydrate Polycrystals. Laboratory Simulation of the Primary Light Reaction in Plant Photosynthesis, L. Galloway, D.R. Fruge, and F.K. Fong
19. Further Studies of the Spectroscopic Properties and Photochemistry of Binuclear Rhodium (I) Isocyanide Complexes, Kent R. Mann and Harry B. Gray
20. Scope and Applications of Light-Induced Electron-Transfer Reactions of Metal Complexes for Energy Conversion and Storage, Patricia J. Delaive, David G. Whitten, and Charles Giannotti
21. Tungsten (IV) Chelates
Potential Energy Transfer Complexes, Ronald D. Archer, et al.
22. Stereochemical Aspects of Expanded Coordination Spheres: Seven-Coordinate Tungsten Complexes, Joseph L. Templeton
23. Effect of Aluminum Additions on the Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of LaNi5 Al Hydrides, Marshall H. Mendelsohn, Dieter M. Gruen, and Austin E. Dwight
24. Sunlight Engineering Efficiency of Thin-Layer Iron-Thiazine Photogalvanic Cells. Evidence That Surface-Induced Back Reaction Is a Key Limiting Factor
25. Nickel (0) Catalyzed Reactions of Strained Ring Systems, R. Noyori
26. Sensitization of Olefin Photoreactions by Copper (I) Compounds, Charles Kutal and Paul A. Grutsch
27. Catalysts for the Isomerization of Quadricyclane to Norbornadiene in a Photochemical Energy Storage System, E.M. Sweet, et al.
28. An Entatic State for Copper in Redox Enzymes?, Robert H. Lane, et al.
29. Metal Tetrathiolenes: Chemistry, Stereochemistry, Electrochemistry, and Semiconductivity, Boon-Keng Teo
30. Templates in Zeolite Crystallization, Louis D. Rollmann
31. Reaction Schemes for Dinuclear Compounds Containing Metal-Metal Triple Bonds Illustrated by Recent Findings in the Chemistry of Molybdenum and Tungsten, Malcolm H. Chisholm