Preface / John Colarusso, English-language editor --
Commentary / Tamirlan Salbiev, Ossentian-language editor --
A short biography of the Translator --
Guide to the Names and Terms, translated from Sakazanija iz Nartov Walter May --
Introduction: The Ossetian Epic / Vasily Ivanovich Abaev --
The Birth of Akhshar and Akhshartag --
The Apple of the Narts --
The Death of Akhshar and Akhshartag --
The Birth of Urizhmag and Khamis --
How Urizhmag and Khamis Found Their Grandfather, Warkhag --
How Shatana Became Urizhmag's Wife --
Urizhmag and Kharan-Khuag --
Urizhmag and the One-Eyed Giant --
How Urizhmag Parted from Shatana --
The Nameless Son of Urizhmag --
Who Won the Black Vixen? --
How Black Beer Was Brewed --
Urizhmag's Last Campaign --
How Shoshlan Was Born and How They Tempered Him --
What Gifts the Heavenly Gods Bestowed upon Shoshlan --
Shoshlan Seeks Someone Stronger than He --
Shoshlan and the Goomag Man --
Shoshlan in the Land of Goom --
Shoshlan and Warkhag's Unknown Son --
Shoshlan and the Sons of Tar --
How Shoshlan Wed Kosher --
How Shoshlan Slew Telberd's Three Sons --
Nart Shoshlan and the Giant, Bizhgwana --
Why Shirdon Became Shoshlan's Enemy --
Little Arakhzau, Son of Bezenag --
How Shoshlan Wed Vedukha --
How Shoshlan Saved Shatana from the Lake of Hell --
Shoshlan in the Land of the Dead --
Aishana and Shainag-Aldar --
The Birth and Marriage of Shirdon --
How the Twelve-Stringed Harp Appeared --
Shirdon Again Deceives the Narts --
How Shirdon Tricked the Giants --
How Shirdon Held a Memorial Feast for His Ancestors --
Why Shirdon Was Called a Liar --
Your Cloth Is in Your Hands --
Khamis and Batraz: Arkizh's Tooth --
How Batraz Was Lured Out of the Sea --
The Games of Young Batraz --
Batraz, Son of Khamis, and Arakhzau, Son of Bezenag --
Batraz and the Giant with the Mottled Beard --
How Batraz Hardened Himself --
How Batraz Saved Urizhmag --
How Nart Batraz Found Burazag --
Batraz and Tykhyfyrt Mukara --
Batraz and the Arrogant Son of the Giant Afsharon --
How the One-Eyed Giant Afsharon Took Revenge upon the Narts --
How Batraz Saved the Eminent Narts --
Nart Uraz and the Giant Akhshualy --
How Batraz Stormed the Khizh Fortress --
Batraz and the Narts' Bowl, Wasamonga --
The Narts' Round-Dance, the Shimd --
How Batraz Beat the Spirit of Fertility --
Who Is Best among the Narts --
How Batraz Avenged His Father's Death --
Asamazh and the Beauty Agunda --
Nart Shidamon and the Giant Shkhuali --
Various stories about the Narts --
The Narts and Wadmer's Bones --
Nart Shibals, the Son of Warkhtanag --
Washtirji and Nart Marguz the Noseless --
Nart Zili and His Sons --
Alimbeg's Daughter and the Alita Family --
The Beauty Wazaftau, Daughter of Adakizh --
The Nart Named Solitary --
Nart Zhivag, the Lazy Lout, and Agunda, Daughter of Burafarnig Borata --
The Elder and the Younger Share --
Nart Bzhar and His Son --
How Nart Eltagan Was Wed --
The Narts and the Black-Headed Giants --
The Downfall of the Narts --