Preface / Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook and Karen B. Montagno
Pt. I. The pastoral caregiver :
1. Midwives and holy subversives: resisting oppression in attending the birth of wholeness / Karen B. Montagno
2. Love and power: confronting white supremacy in pastoral care / Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook
3. The womanist chaplain: spiritual care for African American women in systemic injustice / Jessica Chapman Lape
4. Can one care for a soul that doesn't exist? and other koans from Buddhist chaplains / Monica Sanford
Pt. II. Caregiving as embodied practice :
5. Community organizing as spiritual care: a model for healing racial trauma / Nicholas A. Grier
6. The care of souls from the underside of hope: a Latinx perspective / Miguel A. De La Torre
7. Deadtime and redemption: prison chaplaincy, meaning making, community, and healing / Karuna Thompson
8. Making (ritual) sense of our own lives / Elaine J. Ramshaw
9. From cleaning and mopping to mutual recognition: radical caregiving and the call to heal the world / Cheryl A. Giles, Juliana Cohen
10. Flowers and songs: a liturgical community approach to pastoral care / Eric H. F. Law
11. The politics of tears: lamentation as justice-making / William Blaine-Wallace.
Pt. III. Cultural fluency, intersectional awareness, and pastoral practice :
12. Addiction, power, and powerlessness: alternatives toward recovery / Joel Glenn Wixson
13. Caring for people of Asian descent in an age of anti-Asian hate and violence / Greer Anne Wenh-In Ng
14. Wise of heart: twenty-first century spiritual care for Jewish communities and beyond / Rochelle Robins
15. Light at the end of the tunnel: pastoral care for Muslims / Ahmed Nezar M. Kobeisy
16. Injustice and the care of queer souls / C. J. Fowler, Cody J. Sanders
17. Ableism: the face of oppression as experienced by people with disabilities / Carolyn R. Thompson
18. Pastoral care with transgender people / Sarah Gibb Millspaugh, Mr. Barb Greve
Pt. IV. Pastoral practice across the life span :
19. Under stress, scared, and lonely: caring for children and youth / Sharon Ely Pearson
20. Just aging: practicing pastoral care with older adults / Jaeyeon Lucy Chung
21. Seeking wholeness at the end of life: progressing from the margins to the center / Marcia Chanta Bhan.
Pt. V. Public witness and pastoral practice :
22. Relational ministry: ministry with people who are without homes and people who are food insecure / Elizabeth Mae Magill
23. Pastoral care in contexts of protracted pandemic: the ongoing reality of HIV/AIDS / Altagracia Perez-Bullard
24. Military moral injury: mapping support for veterans and families / Joshua T. Morris
25. Gender-based violence: a network of harms / Marlene M. Ferreras
26. Walking in the liminal space with migrants and refugees / Natalie Teague, Pedro Ramos Goyocolea, Bere Gil Soto
27. Ajo, limón y miel (garlic, lime and honey): reflections from the Aztec capital on care in a pandemic / Rubén Arjona.